The current Panic is based on the false Germ Theory, which theorizes that Germ/Viruses cause Disease instead of just working on decaying cells.
Dead or decaying cells naturally degrade to fertilizer – that’s just nature. Weak cells are decaying, so germs/viruses help them decay.
The body allows decay of diseases tissue, then act to regenerate and replace that tissue, if the body is healthy.
If the body is healthy, toxins and other causes of decay/weakness will not weaken tissues and immunity exists.
Bacteria and Fungi can be spread, but Viruses (microbes) can be generated from diseased tissue, and virus is not the cause of the disease.
Pasteur proved that that fungi can spread through the air, but his extrapolation to viruses (microbes) is unproven.
In fact in 1880, Pasteur himself abandoned the theory of extrapolation to microbes (viruses) after he saw opposing data.
(He admitted that fungi spread through the air, but microbes (viruses) only attack weak tissue.)
It is overlooked by modern medicine that Pasteur changed his theory.
Pasteur admitted that germs were “ordinarily kept within bounds by natural laws, but when conditions change, when its virulence is exalted,
when its host is enfeebled, the germ is able to invade the territory which was previously barred it.”
This is the premise that a healthy body is resistant and not susceptible to disease.
With the advent of Pasteur’s mysterious germ, medicine cloaked itself under the guise of “science” and ever since has succeeded in keeping the public ignorant of the true nature of disease.
bacteria no more cause disease than flies cause garbage.
it is the diseased toxemic condition, where the body is overwhelmed with poisonous waste, which creates an
environment favorable to the mutation of bacteria into those commonly associated with particular diseases.
The Medical and Pharmaceutical industry loves the extrapolation theory to viruses so they can sell drugs and vaccines, but it is not proven.Bechamp Article
Antoine Béchamp proved that:
“all natural organic matters (matters that once lived), absolutely protected from atmospheric germs, invariably and
spontaneously alter and ferment, because they necessarily and inherently contain within themselves the agents of their spontaneous alteration, digestion, dissolution”.
Whenever there is anything in nature that is dying, beginning to decay, something comes and eats it up.
That is what microbes, germs, are for. They are the result, not the cause of disease!
As a blood smear slide ages over one to two days, organisms literally can be seen wiggling out of the red blood cells, organisms that change into more degenerate and pathological forms as the process proceeds. When the rotting or putrefaction process is over, when there is nothing more for the newly formed viruses, bacteria and fungi to eat, they all break apart again, disappear, and turn back into the “little dots” they came from
Pasteur achieved fame through work on fermentation. Challenged by local distillers’ complaints of setbacks in fermenting alcohol from beets, Pasteur pinpointed accidental contamination by stray fungi. Before this it was thought that the yeast arose by spontaneous generation.
More evidence is given in the book “Good-bye Germ Theory” by Dr Trebinger:
Good-Bye Germ Theory: ending a century of medical fraud
Read More at:
Trebing good-bye-germ-theory
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YouTube 2 (1/2 Chronic Disease)
YouTube 3 (Die from Vaccine)
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